PINOYJOKES-The Happy Priest: The Blind Shall See and the Truth Shall Set Them free
The Happy Priest: The Blind Shall See and the Truth Shall Set Them free
Darkness abides in the deep recesses of opinions and ideologies not borne of - and informed by - the truth. We must move beyond the illusory images that only appear to be reality. We must have the openness to question and not accept blindly everything that is presented to us by modern culture. We must understand that relativism is bankrupt and that true freedom can only be found in objective truth. Pride is the root of spiritual blindness. The man born blind in this Sunday's gospel passage exemplifies the humility that is needed in order to see the truth.
Jesus healing the man born blind
Jesus healing the man born blind
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CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) - This Sunday's gospel narrative allows us to examine closely the intense and ever increasing tension developing between the Pharisees who can see physically, but are spiritually blind, and a simple, humble man who is physically blind, but who eventually is able to see who Jesus really is.
The Pharisees deny that which is evident: Jesus healed the man born blind. They refuse to accept that which is obvious. Is not this the situation of our contemporary world?
For example, it is obvious and evident that life begins at the moment of conception, and yet in the face of scientific proof, many continue to promote abortion. If human life did not begin at the moment of conception, why would an abortion be necessary in the first place?
Furthermore, a blind humanity continues to advance destructive practices such as embryonic stem-cell research, homosexual marriages, euthanasia and human cloning. Many refuse to see the consequences of godless behavior on human society. How much more destruction must take place before people begin to see the truth?
Unfortunately, our own country has become profoundly divided between two opposing forces. On the one hand, the radical "left" decries any appearance of traditional values in the name of individual rights. When Americans speak out in support of family values, they respond by questioning the substance of these values.